What Do Your Daily Consumers Want During COVID-19

black woman working on laptop

Overall, consumers are looking for seamless transactions and convenience. Anything else you’re able to offer during the Coronavirus pandemic may just help you stand out.


In this age of COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, we’re seeing how important it is to stay digitally connected. Not just as individuals, but as businesses and consumers. 

For your business, you want support that can be accessed virtually so you’re not left in a lurch, especially as you adapt to increasing demand from consumers. As a business, it is vital to maintain open communication with consumers so they can develop a sense of trust with your brand. Now, more than ever, it is important to have a strong virtual network; you want to keep your team connected to each other even as they work remotely and you want to keep your customers connected as well.

Online Shopping

For those not financially affected by the current global pandemic, online shopping has become increasingly important. It is no longer a luxury; many people depend on online grocery orders to make it through these trying times. We’re seeing an increase in online ordering, whether it’s for takeout, office supplies, or recreational activities to keep families entertained at home. So, what do readers want in this time of social distancing?


  • Direct to consumer delivery – Customers want items delivered directly to their doors.
  • Curbside pickup – Customers want to pull up to the curb or designated parking and have items ready for pickup.
  • Virtual meetings – teachers, therapists, co-workers, and the like have adapted to offer virtual meetings for non-tangible services.


Goods and services that never before offered different delivery options have had to expand and grow in order to fulfill needs. From libraries to therapists, there is a new normal when it comes to satisfying customers’ needs.

Digital Payment Options

To go along with the increase in digital shopping and services, customers and businesses alike are shifting to digital payment options that limit personal contact. Many businesses are temporarily suspending the option to pay with cash to help keep employees and customers safe.

Options such as Venmo are wonderful for transactions between individuals, but what about business to business, or business to consumer? Based on your demographic, you may consider ApplePay, PayPal, Square, or online prepay options on your website. 

Brand Loyalty 

Consumers are developing their own opinions about the current state of affairs, and they want a brand that aligns with their beliefs. As a brand, you may benefit from evaluating your current standing and capitalizing on that. For example, there are theories that people are being more thoughtful about their spending, especially if their income has been reduced due to COVID-19. As a result, they’re more willing to make a bigger impact with their purchases, even if it means spending more. If your brand can donate a portion of proceeds to a worthy cause or provide an act of service with every purchase, you may find success even if your prices are still competitive.