Social Media Marketing

Get Your Business Noticed

When gauging the effectiveness of your business’s marketing, three questions can act as markers to determine if you’re spending your time and money wisely:

Ultimately, these questions are about your business’s ability to communicate and bond with your customers. Your goal is to cultivate positive interactions with your customers not just through transactions, but through social media platforms as well. Doing so creates a sense of trust, and your clients will soon be advertising your brand to their friends and family thanks to their interactions with you.

Increase Your Online Presence and Authenticity

One of the fastest ways to reach this state is by shaping the conversation on social media. You may pick one platform and stick with it, or branch out to multiple in order to reach your target audience. Search Engine Journal reports that in 2022, 84% of Americans used social media, so developing a small business marketing plan is essential to your growth.

Image of social media app icons on a smart phone

Gravitate One helps build your company’s online image on a social platform

Utah-based marketing firm Gravitate One helps clients create consistent types of content to present to current and potential clients every month. This type of “social authenticity” is important because it not only legitimizes the brand to newcomers, but it provides current customers with a sense of community and customer service.

Have you ever searched for a brand online only to be disappointed that they don’t have an active Facebook or Instagram account? If so, you’re probably less inclined to do business with them because they seem less legitimate.

It’s important to maintain a presence on some of the following platforms:

See Our Work

A number of our clients have seen results after collaborating with us on their social media channels. From increased engagement to conversions, take a look at some success stories of our social media marketing strategy.

45 Blast

45 Blast Instagram Impressions
45 Blast Facebook Impressions

FLT Academy

FLT Academy Facebook Organic Paid Impressions
FLT Academy's organic impressions graph

Rhino Property Mangament

social media advertising graph of ROI

Furryland Mobile Grooming

Furryland Facebook ad results graph

How to Increase Social Media Success

To best utilize social media to your advantage, Gravitate One uses the full suite of tools available on each platform, helping to schedule posts, manage team members, and provide real-time results. This includes:

We can also help cultivate your presence through Facebook Lives and Instagram Stories, which customers love for getting behind-the-scenes looks at brands they follow. Social media management is all about controlling where your customers get their information, all while keeping them engaged. Have they gone a day without coming across your name or product? Then we did our job poorly.

  • Organic Posts
  • Paid Ads
  • Boosted Content
  • Email Marketing / Newsletters
  • Scheduling Tools

Organic Posts

There is nothing as devastating to the health of a company’s social media credibility as an inactive account. If your firm doesn’t have anything to say, people will assume there is nothing noteworthy happening with your brand. At Gravitate One, we “keep the lights on” by managing a steady stream of organic posts with a social media calendar to keep your audience engaged.

With direction from the client, we can focus on promoting or underscoring specific products or services that the business provides. Organic social media posts can include keywords, hashtags, and images that promote your authority in your niche.


Paid Ads

The bedrock of any digital marketing presence, paid ads are crucial to the success of your brand in the public sphere. At Gravitate One, we understand what makes these ads successful better than other Utah marketing firms. We are dedicated to three essential criteria that each successful paid ad must accomplish:

  • Connect with the logical and/or emotional center of your customers. These ads should help them see how your product not only fits in with their lifestyle but is what they’ve been missing all along. This is not easy to do, as good paid ads are also succinct.
  • Have a compelling call to action. The copy and the pictures should drive potential customers to click through the ad. A good call to action (CTA) feels like an obvious next step for viewers of the ad.
  • Keep conversion costs low. Behind everything we do at Gravitate One, we’re keeping a close eye on the ad’s daily or weekly analytics. We mentioned that good marketing is nimble marketing up above; social media allows us to tweak ads in the middle of their lifespan to maximize their reach and impressions, thus driving up click-through rates.

Boosted Posts

While paid ads are designed to reach a wide demographic (often far beyond the typical service areas of most Utah marketing firms), boosted posts are for specifically targeting your current followers.

By putting money behind a simple organic post, these boosted entries will find their way to the front page of your audience’s dashboard; sometimes the algorithm can be hard to please, so a boosted post overcomes that obstacle and gets your content seen no matter what. It’s a great way to drum up conversations in your corner of the Internet, promote sales, give a shoutout to community members, promote your social media profiles, or announce awards and recognition.

Email Marketing

At Gravitate One, email marketing is a crucial digital marketing tool and falls under the umbrella of our social media services. Creating email newsletters that make it past spam folders, are clicked on, and ultimately lead to sales is an art form all on its own.

Part of our success in email marketing is to create relevant, readable content, presented in a well-designed format while monitoring crucial data like open rates and click rates. We are experienced in all sorts of email portals and CRMs and will create strategies to not only keep people opening your emails but gaining new recipients without turning to underhanded tactics like buying email lists.

Like a Tended Garden…

Growing your online presence leads to better engagement with your brand, product, and service.

Growing your online presence leads to better engagement with your brand, product, and service.

Marketing on social media is like tending a garden: you place your plants where they will get the most sun all while making adjustments to enrich the soil, increase access to watering, and eradicate insects, as needed. The digital marketing we do at Gravitate One works much the same way.

By choosing the right placement for your message and keeping a watchful eye on the analytics, we can grow your online presence into something wonderful. And with an internationally diverse team, we offer a better understanding of what will speak to clients in different parts of the world. This is just another way in which we differentiate from the typical Utah marketing firm.

The key to social media, as in gardening, is consistency. At Gravitate One, we don’t just set it and forget it. We offer some of the best social media marketing in Utah because we are always tending to your social media identity.

Have you considered evolving your social media marketing presence? Let’s talk.

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