Be Different, Yet Competitive Within Your Industry

We know one of the keys to success is to offer a solution for a problem people face. But with so many potential solutions out there, how do you stand out amidst the competition?

In order to stand out from the crowd, you have to know yourself, your competition, and your target audience. Once you’ve gathered that data, you can roll out digital marketing campaigns that highlight how you’re the best choice for solving customers’ problems.

Tips for Standing Out 

If you’re not sure where to start, Utah marketing firm Gravitate One has some suggestions.

Bold Branding

We’re not talking about neon colors or complicated graphics. Being bold in your branding means committing to a visual aesthetic and sticking with it in both physical and digital marketing. Use the same colors, fonts, and imagery on your packing, website, and social media channels. 

Invest in graphic design that can give you a cohesive identity that’s easily recognizable. If someone sees your product out in the wild, you want them to be so familiar with your branding that they immediately know it. Do your research and ensure that your imaging is not so obscure that no one knows what it is. Let’s say you have a personal, meaningful connection to eagles. You want to incorporate eagles into your brand design, but they don’t relate to your product, service, or even your business name. As a result, you might want to scrap the eagle image and instead use something more relevant to the identity of your business. 

Your branding might also include stickers, inspirational note cards in each order, or other freebies that add an extra connection between your business and your customers. All of these products should have a cohesive look that ties them back to your brand without question.


A slogan or tagline can set you apart from the competition. What do you think of when you read the following phrases?

  • Just Do It
  • What’s in your wallet?
  • I’m lovin’ it!
  • Snap! Crackle! Pop!
  • Have it your way.

These slogans have been used consistently by brands to help establish their identity. They are memorable, and they let the customer know what they can expect from the brand. Your slogan should do the same, and it should tie into your brand aesthetic (colors, font, imagery, etc…).


There might be three businesses offering the same product in one neighborhood, but the one that offers free delivery, an easy-to-navigate drive-thru, or online ordering trumps the others. 

Convenience is king in this day and age, and if you can find a way to offer a seamless experience to your customers, you can gain a competitive edge. How can you make your business more convenient for your customers so they choose you over the other guy?

  • Accept multiple forms of payment (major credit cards, debits cards, cash, online pay, Apple Pay, etc…)
  • Auto-ship options
  • Curbside pickup
  • Easy-to-access customer service (online chats, live people on the phone, etc…)
  • Flexible business hours
  • Location
  • Loyalty programs
  • Store layout (brick and mortar)
  • Website design


Of course, sometimes it does come down to price. How many times have you seen something you just had to have, but you still researched for the best price before making the purchase? Even if your product conveniently solves a customer’s problem, you have to thoughtfully price it. You need to consider your overhead, profit margins, and your competitors when landing on a price point for your product and services.

When pricing, be sure you’re following a sustainable formula and give yourself permission to adjust after conducting market research and getting feedback from test launches.

Customer Service

Undercutting competitor pricing isn’t the only way to stand out in a saturated market. Sometimes the more expensive product or service is worth the extra cost because customers receive excellent service from the business. 

Reliable Response Time

Although customers these days often expect immediate, ‘round-the-clock assistance, that is not always feasible for a business. If you don’t yet have the resources to provide customer service 24/7, at least provide reliable response times that customers can depend on. Additionally, make sure you’re providing quality customer service that makes people feel heard and valued.

Think of a business like Chick-Fil-A, for example. During peak meal times, there is almost always a line of cars wrapping around the drive-thru and parking lot. But, the attitude of the team, rain or shine, serving customers is almost unbeatable. They have efficiently developed a system to make the long wait times less stressful for everyone.

Social Media 

Speaking of attitude, what type can be found on your social media channels? Are you sassy like some of these brands, informative, or uplifting? Give people a reason to tune into your social media, besides being sold to. Your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts are a way for your customers to get to know what your brand stands for, and who the people are behind the business. 

Social media isn’t just for customer service; it’s a way to engage with current and potential customers, build relationships and establish trust. Even if customers can simply trust that you’ll put a smile on their face every day with your posts

If you have questions about how to make your digital marketing more effective, reach out to the expert team at Gravitate.