Bing Reaches Over 10% of Search Market Share


Bing continues it’s steady and healthy adoption rate. It has just improved to over 10% by itself. If you include it with Yahoo, it’s recent search partner, it has over 26% of the total market share. Google is still the strong leader with over 64%, but the competition and with Bing bringing on cool new features like their recent Visual Search, it’s getting a little more interesting.

Top 10 Search Providers for August 2009, Ranked by Searches (U.S.)
| Provider                     |  Searches   | M-O-M %  |  Share of  |
|                              |    (000)    |  Growth  |  Searches  |
| Total                        | 10,812,734  |   2.9%   |   100.0%   |
| Google Search                |  6,986,580  |   2.6%   |   64.6%    |
| Yahoo! Search                |  1,726,060  |  -4.2%   |   16.0%    |
| MSN/Windows Live/Bing Search |  1,156,415  |  22.1%   |   10.7%    |
| AOL Search                   |   333,231   |   1.8%   |    3.1%    |
| Search               |   186,270   |   2.9%   |    1.7%    |
| My Web Search                |   128,432   |   0.5%   |    1.2%    |
| Comcast Search               |   50,328    |  -21.6%  |    0.5%    |
| Yellow Pages Search          |   37,923    |   2.7%   |    0.4%    |
| NexTag Search                |   31,830    |   0.4%   |    0.3%    |
| Search             |   16,314    |   2.9%   |    0.2%    |
Source: Nielsen MegaView Search