How Social Media and Digital Marketing Work to Drive Sales

Icons representing customer network building through social and digital marketing

These days, it’s not enough to simply have a reliable brand with a trusted product or service. To stand out in business, you need a strong social media presence.

When you think of social media, you may automatically think of the timesuck that is your personal Twitter account, viral videos being shared across platforms, and family members arguing about politics on Facebook. Our marketing firm knows the value of these platforms for business, however, and how social media and digital marketing are related.

Using Social Media for Digital Marketing

Social media has become an effective way for brands to connect with their consumers, creating a community and establishing trust. Your platform of choice (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc…) lets you share your brand’s journey with others, as well as updates on product drops, sales, and more. But what else can social media do for your business?

  • Save Time – Some social media dashboards allow you to create posts in advance, scheduling them to go live at optimal times. Additionally, these tools are free on platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest. You can also invest in a scheduling app or software that not only allows for scheduling in advance but will post across multiple platforms for you. Built-in analytics will help you understand the best times to post, and what content does well with your audience.
  • Reach Targeted Audience – Paid ads on social media can be fine-tuned to be seen by your target demographic, ensuring you’re spending ad dollars as wisely as possible. Look for these options on platforms including Instagram and Facebook.
  • Drive Consumers to Website – Even with the best SEO practices, some websites need a little boost. You can take content from your site and repurpose it for social media posts, letting your community know about the latest products or sales you’re offering. 

Using Social Media to Build Brand Loyalty

The key to using social media effectively as a business is to create a relationship with consumers. If your feed is full of one sales pitch after another, you probably won’t see that convert into revenue. Customers don’t want to be sold to constantly. 

  • Mix it Up – Each social media platform operates differently with its own algorithm, but there are some tips for getting the best results. We always recommend studying your analytics to help you understand your consumers, but here are a few general rules to consider:
    • Instagram: Use your feed to post engaging content that isn’t always selling to your audience. Include behind-the-scenes content in your stories so your consumers get to know the real people behind the brand.
    • Facebook: A good rule of thumb is that 25% of your posts are your own content, while 75% is the content of others. This means you’re regularly sharing content related to your own to build engagement with your audience. It can be thought of as priming the pump when it comes time to promote or share about your own brand.
    • Pinterest: Like Facebook, Pinterest is another platform that tends to reward you for posting a mix of your own content and the content of others. It’s easy to get carried away pinning, so be sure to avoid flooding your virtual pinboards with content. U 
    • TikTok: Here’s your chance to be creative and silly. TikTok can be used to show off your personality, or videos showing how your brand operates. 
  • Engage Authentically – Regardless of where you’re posting, it’s important to be authentic to your brand. Consider an aesthetic for your Instagram grid, such as using the same filter on all photos. If you share videos on Facebook, designate a certain day and time when your audience can always tune in. Ensure all your copy has the same tone from day-to-day, sharing the voice of your brand.
  • Respond Consistently – If you use your social media to communicate with clients, be consistent. Responding to every comment on a post may not be feasible, but direct messages may be more manageable. Whatever you choose, be reliable.

Your social media manager may be the first point of contact for potential and current clients; be sure you’re investing your time and resources for proper representation of your brand.