HTTP Headers and Status Codes, Part 2

Server Headings Checker overview

Check Server Headers ToolA quick way to view a site’s status code is to use a free tool provided by (there are several other tools, I don’t like the incessant advertising on the page cluttering everything up, but I like the simplicity).  All you have to do is add the URL into the input box provided and then click the ‘Check Server Headers’ button.

Status code displayAfter a few seconds you will see a section with the current date, your IP address and the response from the server. The section you want to pay attention to is the code to the right of the ‘HTTP/1.1’ text. The code here indicates the status code of the page.

What do the codes mean?

Just below the server results, you will find a list of the different status codes and a short definition. The only problem this is really ugly. I prefer a couple of the resources in the industry that have added a little style as well as substance. They make for nice little resources that can be printed off and handed out at work.  Here is a look at two of my favorite.

SEOmoz HTTP Status Code Infographic

SEOmoz doesn’t disappoint with the creation of this very simple and straightforward infographic that is a nice educational resource. I LOVE the inclusion of the ‘Juice’ icon representing how much SEO juice is being passed when the corresponding code is delivered. Obviously, SEOs will want to return a 200 or 301 status code to pass the most juice possible.

HTTP Status Code Infographic


SEOgadget HTTP Status Code Infographic

Another nice Status Code  infographic includes a little more context (the definition of Server Header Response at the top is especially helpful for newer SEOs) and information about the status codes, with interesting stats about how many pages return which types of codes. Also, I love the cool custom 404 Error Page examples.

Server Header Response Codes


Feedback: What tools do you use to check server headers? What other information do you pull from these tools that helps out your SEO? Do you have a favorite infographic or educational resource to help you our your team understand Server Heading Status Codes? If so, please share! I love passing some link love for great content and sharing the resources with everyone.