Asphalt Materials

Average of 221% organic traffic increase YOY for 9 years
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80+ phrases on the 1st page of Google
0 +


Asphalt Materials is a landscaping supply company based in West Jordan Utah. Before partnering with Gravitate One, Asphalt Materials was generating a moderate amount of business mostly through word-of-mouth and more traditional marketing efforts. In 2012, we began focusing heavily on increasing organic traffic, improving domain authority, and making our way up the Google leaderboard for key search terms. While our strategies have changed, our focus has not. Through years of concentrated, strategic execution on our initial goals, Asphalt Materials now has a dominant online presence that attracts customers and drives revenue.


Asphalt Materials Logo


Over 9 years of transformation through digital marketing with Gravitate One, Asphalt Materials has seen a 221 percent increase of organic traffic year over year. In addition, Asphalt Materials can be found on the first page of Google for over 80 phrases, making them one of the most visited local providers and a trusted national supplier. This steady growth continues into the present, as revenues continue to increase significantly year over year and as rankings continue to improve.

Asphalt Materials home page design


Gravitate One has overseen two Asphalt Materials website re-builds and a number of key targeting adjustments over the years. As the company grows, new offerings, as well as new business verticals enter the equation. This makes necessary a number of pivots on our end in order to capture the correct audience and lead them down the path of conversion. The Asphalt Materials brand isn’t what it was 9 years ago and it will continue to evolve well into the future as growth continues.


Asphalt Materials page design

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