Minky Mamas

Website Traffic Increase 6X
0 x
Google & Facebook ads both top 5% in performance
0 %
3 warehouse upgrades in 3 years to keep up with demand


Minky Mamas is a Utah e-Commerce operation that sells Minky blankets and accessories to customers nationwide. Before Gravitate One, Minky Mamas had only seen moderate success in attracting direct traffic to their website, but lacked stability in their organic and paid campaigns. Through more intentional targeting, strategic budget allocations, and a dedicated approach to keyword optimization, sales began to increase after just a few short months. It became more and more clear what efforts were converting casual visitors into paying customers and budgets began to increase in those areas as a result. As the overall strategy took clear shape, an engine was created that led to tremendous growth opportunities for Minky Mamas.



Because of SEO efforts and a focus on more relevant keywords, Minky Mamas saw a 600 percent increase in website traffic, meaning significantly more interested, potential customers were visiting their site every day. In addition, Google and Facebook ads were performing in the top 5 percent, leading to more conversions. In just 3 years working with Gravitate One, Minky Mamas was forced to upgrade their warehouse three separate times in order to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for their products.



In the world of e-Commerce, business efforts, as well as marketing campaigns, must remain agile in order to accommodate the changing needs of potential buyers. These accommodations come in many forms including, product changes, improved user experiences on the website, artistic adjustments to logos and assets, messaging modifications, re-targeting, and more. As Minky Mamas’ trusted marketing partner, we were willing and ready to make the necessary pivots toward better opportunity. As we did so, there was an appreciable difference in sales over time.


Minky Mamas page design example

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