The 5 Signs Your Website Needs An Upgrade

Redeeming the Audit

We’re all familiar with the negative connotations that an audit holds for most people. Say the word to an accountant and you will conjure up visions of receipts, bank statements, investment portfolios, and gift certificates. Say the word to a developer and you will likewise give them thoughts about dead links, code typos, as well as ADA and WCAG compliance.

While the process of an audit may seem laborious, it can often result in positive outcomes. As a digital marketing firm, Gravitate One runs website audits for those clients interested in leveraging our development expertise. Together, we can make sure your website isn’t just functional — we’ll make it sing.

Is it Time to Upgrade?

You may be wondering whether or not your website is ready for a facelift. Perhaps it has become functionally cumbersome on the front end. Likewise, it may be a slow and unresponsive mess because of clutter on the backend. When it comes to identifying problems and rolling out fixes, Gravitate is one of the most trusted of Utah’s marketing firms. Here are a few of the signs we look for when auditing our clients’ websites.

1 – ADA Compliance

The aforementioned American Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines are some of the first things that we check. They stipulate that every website should be usable for those who suffer from motor skill deficiencies or who are otherwise handicapped. This is accomplished in a number of ways:

  • Perception: We make sure the website is easy to read and (if there is an audio component) to hear. Multimedia captions and text transcriptions for non-text content are a priority.
  • Operation: Is the website navigable for impaired people? Meaning, can everything be accomplished with a keyboard?
  • Legible: Is the text readable and are the instructions clear?
  • Compatible: Is the content able to be interpreted by assistive devices?

Accessibility is one of the most important aspects of a website but it is often overlooked. If your site needs to undergo this change, that is a good reason to update now.

2 – Mobile Friendly

For all the time we spend on our cell phones, you’d be surprised to learn that many websites aren’t compatible with them. One of the first laws of digital marketing is if it’s not designed to run on a phone, it’s not finished. Luckily, we have a few options to fix the situation:

  • Update the Code: While all websites use CSS codes for their aesthetic features, like fonts and colors, Media Queries CSS code can detect which device is viewing the website and change those aesthetics to better render on that screen.
  • Create a Mobile Site: Most website builders these days account for mobile devices as more and more users are viewing from their phones. However, this process still requires development expertise when adjustments need to be made on the back end. 
  • Change Your Site’s Template: This is a full-scale change to improve how things appear on each type of device while also updating the overall look and feel of the website.

Not all Utah marketing firms are as well-versed in these different options but Gravitate One can make sure your website looks beautiful on a cell phone or tablet.

3 – Outdated Look

Do you remember the old adage about a car that plummets in value the moment it pulls off the lot? The same has been said about technology — it is obsolete as soon as the box is opened. The truth is that digital interfaces don’t hold up well over time. Just visit an old website to be reminded of that. 

There are numerous ways we can update the look of your website, from changing a few ornamental things like colors, fonts, or even content. Or we can simply rebuild from the ground up. Updating your website’s looks is something about which we will collaborate with you extensively so that you stay up with the times while also preserving your identity.

4 – You are Losing Conversions

They say to never judge a book by its cover, and yet we do that every day with websites. Why? Because there are so many to choose from. Perhaps it is too difficult to navigate or it is simply an eyesore; truly, it could be for any of the reasons we’ve already mentioned or something else entirely.

  • Is your messaging clear?
  • How is the site optimized?
  • What about the quality of your media?
  • Do you have a strong Call to Action?
  • Is the page too busy?

One of our main services as digital marketing professionals is to monitor the analytics of your website’s performance. If people aren’t spending long on a landing page or they aren’t completing their transactions, we will know and can make adjustments. 

5 – Improving Security

Unfortunately, stories about ransomware or data leaks are becoming all too common. Because your website is your business’s public-facing portal, it can be devastating if it has become corrupted by a virus or some other form of hacking. One major aspect of our audits is to ensure you are always protected. We do this by checking:

  • How up-to-date are your plugins?
  • Whether your site has converted to HTTPS.
  • The security of your host.
  • If your website has been backed up or not.

Our team of experienced developers will make your security their top priority. Visit Gravitate One today to learn all the ways we can revamp your website and beef up your online presence.