The Voice Search Revolution

Girl Using Voice Chat

One of the latest advancements in the world of online marketing is something we are all familiar with: voice search. Voice search is not a fad; it’s not a temporary trend, and it’s not something that business owners should ignore. What voice search is is an incredibly convenient and helpful method of navigating the internet that is gaining popularity at a remarkable speed. And for business owners that means one thing:

Businesses must keep up with voice search or get left behind.

The world of digital marketing is always changing, and your willingness and ability to adapt your marketing strategy to keep up with those changes will determine whether your company thrives in this new market or fails and falls by the wayside.

But don’t worry!

Even though the methods of digital marketing are always changing, the fundamental principles of effective digital marketing are consistent. The trick to successful digital marketing is to use those principles as the foundation for all of your digital marketing efforts, from social media marketing to—you guessed it—optimizing your business for voice search. And that’s what we do best.

Here’s everything you need to know about voice search and how we optimize your business for it.

It Really Is Popular, and It Really Is Important

Voice search is already popular and it doesn’t show signs of stopping. In fact, it is predicted to become the most popular way to navigate the web by 2022. Here are some more predictions about how popular voice chat is expected to become.

  • By 2020, it is estimated that 30% of internet searches will be done without a screen.
  • By 2020, it is estimated that voice search queries will make up 50% or more of all online searches.
  • By 2022, it is estimated that voice search will generate $40 billion or more in sales.

If you’re wondering why voice search is suddenly taking over the internet and revolutionizing the way people interact with the web, here’s the answer: It’s fast, easy, and effective—everything a person could ask for. In a recent survey, customers revealed that they use voice search because:

  • It’s faster and less work than typing.
  • It’s fun.
  • It’s more natural.
  • It’s hands-free.

What Does This Mean for You?

This means that voice search is essential for your business. Why? Because voice search is how customers are searching the internet, and the internet is how customers discover businesses. In other words, if you want to attract customers, you need to look good on the internet, and if you want to look good on the internet, you need to optimize for voice search.

Referring back to the statistics above, this means that if you don’t optimize your business for voice search

  • 30% of consumers will not find you while they are looking for information about local businesses.
  • Your company will be invisible to 50% of people who search online for services that your business provides.
  • Your revenue will shrink and not grow with the revenue that is generated from voice searches.

Hopefully, you now understand that voice search is quickly becoming one of those essential tools that businesses won’t survive without. So now that you understand the importance of optimizing for voice search, it’s time to learn how to do it effectively.

How We Optimize Your Business for Voice Search

Use Conversational Keywords. When we type, we tend to use as few words as possible, and when we use voice search, our queries are more natural and conversational. Containing conversational keywords in your website will help your business’ optimization ranking and help customers find you.

Provide Clear, Concise Information. Voice-powered services use structured data to provide accurate and relevant results. When someone asks about your company, you’ll want to make sure that your website is coded correctly so that it will provide the customer with accurate and updated information such as:

  • Hours of operation
  • Phone numbers and other contact information
  • Directions to your location

Claim Your Google My Business Listing. When people use voice search for queries like “Pest control near me,” Google will rely on companies’ Google My Business listings to find the closest pest control companies to the user. If you haven’t claimed yours, and if you haven’t filled yours with accurate information, you’re missing out on potential customers who are directly asking for your services.

Have a Responsive Web Design. Most voice searches happen on mobile devices, so if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’ll drive away customers who otherwise would have looked at your website and considered frequenting your business.

Make the Most of Blogs and FAQ Pages. Using blogs and FAQ pages to answer your customers’ questions will give you more exposure and allow you to provide your customers with useful information once they find you. If you don’t have a blog or FAQ page that you regularly post to or update, you’re less likely to be found through voice-powered searches and you’re hurting your chances of answering your customers’ questions if you are found.