Twinkle, Twinkle: Achieving 5-Star Reviews

One of the consequences of having a computer in our pocket that connects us to the wider world is the cacophony of voices that we’re exposed to on a daily basis. These can be people on social media, existing in a group of friends and acquaintances that has been meticulously cultivated by us; people involved in world events, such as presidents and prime ministers, and everyone in between. These voices can be from people who share our same interests, career, or education. In short, there has never been an easier way to communicate in the history of the world.

Pointed in the Right Direction

Because it is so easy to find an opinion from someone who has experienced what you want to learn more about, getting a recommendation has never been easier. Want to find out if the movie is good, or the Mexican food, or the plumber? The internet will tell you. For a business savvy to the power of recommendations within digital marketing, getting good reviews can mean everything. After all:

  • Over 82% of potential customers read online reviews.
  • Nearly 49% of customers only read reviews written within the past two weeks.
  • A product with 5 reviews does 270% more business than one that doesn’t have any reviews.
  • You are 25% more likely to get clicks online with a 5-star review than with a 3-star review.
  • Over 42% of customers are likely to bring repeat business if they’ve had a good experience with a company.

Considering that the United States brings in over $300 billion in B2C commerce annually (that’s nearly a billion dollars for every American citizen), 5-star reviews can be crucial to a company’s success.

Being 5-star Worthy

It is the goal of every marketing firm in Utah and elsewhere to get a client’s business to a place of such ubiquity that the people on the internet will do the digital marketing for you. This is certainly something that the department heads for SEO and social media at Gravitate One discuss with their clients.

How can a company drum up such consistently good reviews? Luckily, there are a number of ways, both on the client side as well as that of the digital marketing firm.

Start with Quality

The most important way to get a 5-star review is to offer 5-star customer service or provide 5-star products. Unfortunately, when it comes to getting online reviews, there is no such thing as “faking it till you make it.” And since people are far more likely to leave a bad review (to the tune of 21% more likely) when they’re angry than a good review when they’re happy, it is that much more important to give the customer a good experience.

Offer Incentives

This is where the client and a firm like Gravitate One can work together. Not only must the incentives be enticing but the word needs to get out that people stand to earn a little something by providing a 5-star review. This doesn’t have to be major. For instance, a Mexican restaurant might make a brew of fresh horchata for the table if someone writes a good review, or a business can donate a meal to an impoverished village in Africa. When it comes to incentives, creativity and sincerity will win out and spur people to give out all 5 stars.

Simply Ask

We’ve all heard the Gretzky quote about missing 100% of the shots we don’t take, and the same logic applies here. Asking for a review, especially over the phone or in person, can be incredibly fruitful in gathering 5-star reviews. Just don’t wait too long. Letting an email do the asking a few days after the point of purchase is almost guaranteed to lead to nowhere. If you’d like to incorporate emails in your digital marketing to get reviews, the social media team at Gravitate One can help you strategize.

Good reviews are the lifeblood of any business and it is the duty of all marketing firms in Utah and elsewhere to help their clients get more of them. Give us a call today for a free consultation and we will create a bespoke strategy for your business to grow.