Understanding Link Metrics

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That being said, a couple weeks ago they posted a two part video about understanding link metrics and I want to share the first video, as it is a nice and easy introduction to many of the metrics we use here at Gravitate Online. We are big fans of the metrics SEOmoz’s tools push our way and I like to bounce them off Majestic SEO’s info aswell. One of our clients asked why some of these metrics don’t agree. Why is it that when I do a ‘link: site url’ search in Google it shows different numbers than when I do a link search Majestic? Or Open Site Explorer? Rand goes into these questions and explains how Google, SEOmoz and Majestic indexes differ and the metrics each use to show link quality.

I especially enjoy the line by line explanation of each SEOmoz metric describing the difference between mozRank and mozTrust. We have included the mozRank into our reporting and may be adding the mozTrust aswell. In our link building, we are paying much more attention to it than we’ve ever done before and make it a mandatory addition to the Domain and Page Authority metrics.

