Branding your Business

We deal with many different clients, in many different industries; all wanting help with online marketing. We are able to help with all aspects involved with growing your business, but one that I often see overlooked is branding.

Now we at Gravitate would love to help with helping separate your company from the herd, but if you are just starting out with your company, or are in need of a rebrand, here are some ideas to help move you brand grow.

1.Don’t skimp on design.

Even if you are the best (Fill in the blank) in your industry, your website speaks for you when you aren’t there to tell the story. Don’t go with the cheapest option when it comes to designing your reputation. What saves you money on the front end, can hurt you in the long run. The same principle goes for ordering sushi at a truckstop in Ohio. A good designer will help with good calls to action, site flow for click through rate, and overall user interface experience.

2. Create A brand guideline.

There are many great free templates that can help organize all of the finer details of your website and overall brand into one concise form. This can save tons of time if you have to design something cohesive across your entire brand and need to remember a font, or exact color number. It is the roadmap of your brand, and you will be thankful that you have one down the road.

3. Get a second opinion.

Just because you think it is awesome, doesn’t necessarily mean potential clients will. It is okay to try new things! A B test, conduct surveys, and move things around. Don’t be afraid to get some input from other people you trust, and take constructive criticism! I always like to look and see what the competition is doing. Not to copy what they are doing, but figure out how to differentiate yourself.

With a good brand that looks and feels like the message you want to convey, you are lightyears ahead of many of your competitors. We recommend updating your website at least every three years, not counting small changes along the way. With these steps you will be on your way to creating a brand that will outlast the competition, and drive viewers to become clients.