Google Maps Marketing: How to Get More Business

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Google Maps is the most popular navigation app, with six times more people trusting it to guide them to where they need to go and provide information about areas of interest than any other. Your business profile’s visibility and accuracy on this app are key when it comes to getting new visitors. Although it may seem daunting at first, being more discoverable on Google Maps and catching the attention of potential customers before your competitors do is simple when you know exactly which strategies to use.

Steal the Spotlight in Searches: Your Local 3-Pack

When someone searches for a category in their area, Google calls attention to three companies over any other by displaying them at the top. This is called your ‘local 3-pack’. To get Google to recognize your business as more relevant than others offering similar services nearby and boost its visibility to its top three, give more promise to your profile in the following areas:

Introduction: The Best for Your Business

A short description of your business will appear in the search results of queries about categories you have associated with your account. In this summary, be brief, use popular keywords, and keep updating this to remain relevant to what people are searching for and raise it higher in their results.

If you can capture a potential customer’s attention with this short description of your business and get them to click on it, a more in-depth description will appear. To seal the deal and turn curiosity into a call or visit, be sure to include well-crafted copy.

Categories and Attributes: They Call for Accuracy 

When registering with Google Maps, you will be asked to choose a primary category and have the option of choosing additional ones as well. Categories describe what services or products you offer through your business, so be sure to be accurate with what you primarily offer and other aspects of your business in order to come up in all relevant searches, as well as keep customers satisfied.

Google Maps has also added an ‘attributes’ function to listings, including information such as accessibility and inclusivity. Select what you believe will be most important to your intended audience, as well as accurate, as key attributes to attract these visitors and boost your relevance on their searches.

Photos and Images: Physical Proof to Pique Interest

Google has found that company listings that display images end up getting 42% more requests than those that do not. It is important to include photos of your physical store in your images, as well as proof of your products and services. Customers are also able to upload photos, so encouraging this will help you benefit even more from reviews. 

Location and Services: Let Them Be Seen

Using a correct address is crucial to the success of a storefront on Google Maps. It is recommended to use an address that is approved by the United States Postal Service and includes a room or suite number if it has one. The same is true of services, so if you go beyond a storefront to provide them, add specific service areas in addition to your primary place of business.

Verification: It is Vital for Visibility

Claiming and completing the verification process on Google Maps, which is usually done through postal mail, will ensure that only you have control of your profile. If this is not done, your visibility could potentially be put in jeopardy by disinformation from those who are not actually associated with your business. Do so as quickly as possible to represent yourself well and raise your company to ‘3-pack’ status.

Reviews: Respond Readily

If you show your customers that you value their feedback, you will build both ‘social proof’ and be seen more often on the app. This includes both matching enthusiasm with enthusiasm and responding to negative reviews to show that you care to remedy your relationships. You may even want to incentivize feedback with offers or coupons or ask for the favor in a friendly manner.

If you live in Utah, competing on the Google Maps scene requires careful strategy and localized listing maintenance. Asking for the services of an agency that has mastered marketing in Utah is the best route to take to optimize your company’s visibility and reach ‘3-pack’ status.

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