Gravitate Launches Comprehensive SEO Glossary of Terms

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We’ve just launched our SEO Glossary of Terms, as the most comprehensive term library available online. We’ve found as we educate new internet marketers, business owners and marketing managers that a complete list of online marketing terms to be a helpful resource. Allowing new or seasoned SEO’s benefit from a quick reference list where they can look up terms they read about and see the corresponding definitions. We are trying to add examples and helpful resource links all the time, so you’ll see the glossary improve over time.

We have searched the internet far and wide and compiled terms and definitions from multiple sources and included many of our own. We found many glossaries, but none as comprehensive as we’ve created here. We know SEO is changing all the time, and opinions vary on exact terminology, definitions and examples offered. If you find that important terms are missing or definitions incomplete, please submit you’re recommendations. We will review your suggested annotations and include those that improve the quality and depth of the resource. When we include your additions, we will be happy to include your name and a link to your site. After all, if you add value- we’d love to pass some link love your way.

As we’ve compiled the reference utilizing our own expertise and those we’ve found online- we are happy to share this list with everyone. Feel free to use it, copy it, annotate it or link to it.  It’s meant to be a help to the industry and our fellow internet marketers.
