How to Think Up New Blog Post Ideas

I tend to think of blog writing as the item on my to do list that regularly unchecks itself. You can finish drafting up something for posting tomorrow, but that only means that it’s time to hurry up and finish what’s to come after that. The Internet truly never sleeps, and this means that as a blogger and social media fiend, you always need to be coming up with something new to write about. And since this is something I do pretty much all day, every day, I thought I’d share some tips that I’ve found useful for coming up with new content ideas for blog posts.

Go seasonal.

This is something you should be doing already as you plan out your blog posts for the upcoming months. Going seasonal with your blog posts is great because 1) those posts will be relevant, 2) those posts will be especially shareable, and 3) it’s a source of blog post inspiration that won’t run dry. When going seasonal, you should think of the big holidays—Christmas, the Fourth of July, Halloween, etc.—along with the four seasons, of course. But don’t forget about other big occasions that happen throughout the year that might also make for great blog content, such as the Super Bowl, back to school, election season, the Oscars, and Black Friday.

Keep up with current events.

On a similar note, it’s also a great idea to keep up with industry related news and to talk about it in your blog writing. Current events is another source of inspiration that will never run dry.

Have your go-to post types.

I have a lot of “go-to” blog post types that I turn to every so often for new content ideas. They’re highly versatile and can be tailored to just about any industry. For example:

  • Debunking myths about (blank)
  • Dos and don’ts of (blank)
  • How to choose the right (blank)
  • Safety around (blank)

Think of overarching lists that your topic would fall under.

Let’s say you have to write for a roofing blog. What are some greater lists that getting a new roof could be on? For example:

  • Adding curb appeal to your home
  • Making your home more energy efficient
  • Preparing your home for winter
  • Home investments that pay for themselves

Think of a random subject and tie it to your industry.

Let’s say you are writing some blog posts for a running blog but need some fresh ideas. Try thinking of random, seemingly unrelated subjects and tying them to running. For example:

  • Phones > the best apps for runners
  • Safety > winter running safety tips
  • Pets > dos and don’ts for running with your dog
  • Baths > hydrotherapy for sore muscles

Try starting a blog post series.

Ah, the blog post idea that keeps on giving. Not all of your posts have to be single, isolated posts. If you think of a great idea for a series of blog posts, you’ll end up with content ideas that could keep you occupied for months. Going back to our running blog example, you could, say, start a series about the best foods for runners and highlight a different food every month. Tie your blog posts together with an introductory phrase in the titles (Running Food: Nuts, Running Food: Whey Protein, etc.) or with numbered parts in the titles.

Keep a running list.

This is probably the most useful tip on here. Always keep a running list of blog post ideas that come to your mind (which they will), and add to it whenever you think of a great idea. It’s easy to tell yourself, “Oh, I’ll remember this the next time I have to write something for this blog,” but trust me, you won’t.