How to Use Your Email List for Facebook Advertising

Did you know you can use your current email list for Facebook advertising? You heard me right—all that time and effort that went into building the ever-growing perfect list of prospects and customers can now be used to grow your Facebook community, increase your exposure, and build lasting relationships.

Here’s how it works:

After you upload your list into Facebook, they will look at the contact information and find matching Facebook profiles with the same information. They compile those matching profiles into a group, to which you can target marketing messages. This capability offers some amazing opportunities, helping you take the guesswork out of marketing and get specific messages to a specific audience that’s already shown an interest in your business.

For example:

Let’s say you would like invite customers on your email list to follow your page. Simply upload your list and create a “promote your page” ad campaign. Those on the list who also have Facebook profiles will be able to see the ad campaign you’ve created and will be more likely to connect with your business page. Once they become a fan of the page, they will not only receive your email blasts but will also see posts from your Facebook page. This creates yet another point of contact and helps your business stay at the forefront of your customers’ minds.

But wait—there’s more good news.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Facebook also lets you squeeze even more value out of your email list. Remember that group of Facebook users that was built from your email list? Well, Facebook will look for other users who have similar interests and attributes and put those users in a group. So now you have two groups you can serve ads to: people who know and love your business from your email list, and people who are just like your customers.

All of this is meant to take the guesswork out of your advertising efforts and serve marketing messages directly to people who are more likely to care about your products and services.