Why Content is King

content marketer using laptop

No matter how many marketing tactics you employ, if you don’t have good content, you’re not going to see good results. At Gravitate One, we know content truly is king, and here’s why.

What’s Considered Content?

Content marketing is the practice of sharing what you’ve created with your audience. It could be social media posts, blog articles, or videos. The content does not always have to be selling anything; in fact, there’s a big benefit to sharing content simply as a way to connect to your audience. 

Routinely sharing relevant content with your audience builds a relationship, and can create lasting loyalty that eventually leads to conversions.

Keys to Creating Successful Content

The act of sharing, however, doesn’t mean you’re automatically destined for success. Your content strategy should be intentional and should have an end goal in mind.

Valuable content is that which is related to your brand and gets people to engage.

Content Engagement

What’s considered content engagement, and how do you achieve this result? Different platforms allow users to respond to what you publish in various ways. The breakdown of content engagement overall, though, is as follows:

  • Likes or Reactions
  • Comments
  • Shares

Engagement also happens behind the scenes, too. Be sure you’re monitoring private messages in your social media; the algorithms take those interactions into account as well when determining how visible to make your content.

There’s no magic trick for getting people to engage with your content. You can encourage responses or reactions in several ways.

  • Ask questions and direct your audience to respond in the comments
  • Include interactive graphics on social media stories
  • Host live videos and respond to questions asked by your audience
  • Pose a call to action (CTA) that asks the audience to subscribe or follow

Another way to keep engagement up is to make sure your audience doesn’t feel like their comments or questions are being sent into a vacuum. Dedicate time to responding to your followers to make them feel heard. You might have an amazing customer service team that responds to emails, but what about your social media or blog? Do you have someone who is replying to direct messages, comments on posts, or acknowledging reactions? Building a community where current and potential customers feel valued for more than just their purchases is essential to maintaining engagement.

Consistent Sharing

Use your analytics to see when your audience is on certain platforms. See how they respond to various types of content, and use that to your advantage. When you share at a consistent time each day you can maximize who sees your content, and how much engagement it will get.

Consistently sharing the same format may also benefit your brand’s reach. This may mean that every week you work on a schedule to keep a uniform presence online. For example:

  • Monday – Host a weekly live video to answer questions 
  • Tuesday – Share customer photos to your social media to highlight your products in the wild
  • Wednesday – Share a funny video to your preferred social media platform
  • Thursday – Publish a weekly article on your blog
  • Friday – New product release day or promo day

Your consistent posting schedule will be unique to your brand and your goals. One day might be meme-sharing day, or you could post an infographic related to your industry. Determining the kind of content you share is something a digital marketing company like Gravitate One can help you with.

Consistency may also mean that you incorporate your brand’s aesthetic across all channels. Use the same colors, fonts, and photo editing on all your content so customers recognize your brand before they even read the copy. 

Content has Value

What is your audience looking for? It might be tutorials on how to use your products, insight into ways to upgrade their current technology, or special discounts for being a follower. It may take some research, but you need to ensure your content has value to your audience.

Your content should always be boosting your authority as a brand. Besides your quality product or service, it’s one of the best ways to build trust with your audience. 

Valuable Content

  • Early access to new product releases for newsletter subscribers
  • Breaking news related to your industry or niche
  • Infographics
  • Memes (never underestimate the value of humor!)

All the hashtags, pay-per-click marketing, and collaborations will mean nothing if the content it’s linked to isn’t carefully curated. If you need help creating content that is on-brand and of worth to your audience, contact Gravitate One today. Our team can help you with a marketing strategy that involves content creation for newsletters, blogs, and social media.