Thriving in a Post-Penguin World

Google Penguin UpdateIn the aftermath of the “Penguin” update released by Google earlier this year, some companies and their SEO agencies have struggled to recover from a drop in search rankings. But here at Gravitate Online, we have not only survived Penguin, we have actually seen our clients’ rankings rise as a result of the changes.

Gravitate thrived after Penguin because we have always had a policy of using a diverse mix of high quality links to boost our clients’ rankings. We follow practices which are recommended by Google and avoid the shady practices that have always been discouraged and are now being punished by the Penguin update. Learn more about quality link building and the SEO services we provide.

Companies whose sites were devalued suffered because they or their SEO agency took the easy way out. They have had to scramble to change their strategies because they relied on low-quality or spammy links and are now suffering a drop in rankings.

Penguin was first announced by Google on April 24, 2012. It is an update to the algorithm used to determine the rankings of websites in search results and punished websites that have too many unnatural or low quality links, such as those gained from low quality directories, irrelevant websites, or from other practices intended to boost search engine rankings but offer no benefit to human users.

Penguin is evidence that Google is becoming more proactive in discouraging link spam and reward websites that provide a good user experience. If your company’s ranking was hurt by Penguin, it may be because your SEO agency cut corners. Ask them what strategies they use and to see a report of what they have done for your website.

Gravitate Online has always offered its clients transparency and unlimited support. Regular reports to clients show relevant website statistics, the number of hours and tasks completed, and clear progress reports. We take pride in producing high quality work, doing things the right way, and being accountable to our clients’ expectations. Learn more about the Gravitate difference or contact us today!