Tools for Determining Keyword Relevancy: Part 3

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Basics: webtools include a free version of their Keyword Density Analyzer. Currently, they are up to version 3.1 and include some very useful features. Using the tool is straighforward. Simply past a URL in the analyzer and past an optional focus term. The tool quickly looks over the page and reveals some basic information about the page that sheds light on the page’s relevancy towards a select term.

Pros: The Keyword Density analyzer provides nice graphs that help make clear the keywords that are most common on the page. Additionally, a ‘Wizard’ score shows what phrases are the most prevalent on the page- in actual count and implementation into key code sections of the page (meta data, anchor text, etc.). The ‘Page Elements’ tab shows information that goes into some of the key SEO elements and what keywords are used the most within these elements. Finally, in-bound and out-bound link information, coupled with Google ranking information add to the depth of the tool.

Cons: Although I really like the tool there are a couple things I’d like to see improved. First, the tool uses a ‘Wizard’ to grade certain terms, but little information about what this wizard means and the factors it looks into. Some ‘help’ information could quickly make this more clear for SEOs. Even simple hover over help- like they provide for other phrases, such as ‘Prominence’- would help clarify their proprietary terms and ways of analyzing for a phrase.

Secondly, although not necessarily a feature that would clarify relevancy, an page load time stat would be helpful- due to it’s impact on user experience and rankings. Not a major concern, just a nit-picky part of my wish list.

Video Tutorial: provides a concise, albeit silent, intro to some of their Keyword Density and Analyzer tool’s new features and updates.

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Feedback: This post concludes our 3-part series on keyword relevancy tools. What other tools do you use? Have any of you SEOs used this tool? If so, what do you think? Are any of the wish-list features I mentioned above included, but I’m out of the loop? Let me know what I’m missing so I can better utilize this very practical and robust tool.
