Why Every Marketing Plan Should Include PPC

Although the target audience may vary across industries, every marketing plan needs to include a few basic elements, including PPC campaigns. Gravitate One not only helps you define your goals but execute them using various strategies.

Marketing Plan Template

Before narrowing in on the aspects of your digital marketing strategy, you need to have an overall game plan for your business. A general marketing plan template will include identifying your pain points, how you’re going to address them, and what you want the results to be. Here are some specific areas you should focus on when developing a marketing plan.

The Solution Your Product Offers

Clearly define what problem you’re solving with your product or services.

Target Customers

Who needs your product? Determine who you’re going to market to, and where they are. This will help you define the types of marketing you carry out.


Where will you position yourself in the market? What price point not only appeals to your target demographic but makes sense for your bottom line?


What avenues will you use to get your product to your target demographic? You might sell online only direct to consumers, or go wholesale and sell business to business. Would a brick and mortar store work best, or temporary pop-up shops? 

Once yu’ve sussed out these details, Gravitate One can step in and help with what your marketing strategy should include. Let’s look more closely at what can make a digital marketing plan more effective.

Marketing Strategies for a Successful Campaign

When you know your customer demographics, you can better strategize marketing materials. Obviously, much of our marketing these days is done digitally, and it includes email campaigns, PPC, social media platforms, and more. What will be best for your budget while still allowing you to reach your target customer?

Search Engine Optimization

Whenever you share something online related to your business, it’s important to do so with search engines in mind. That doesn’t mean you need to think like a robot, but it does mean you need to be mindful of SEO tactics such as keywords, hashtags, alt images, and formatting. Gravitate One includes SEO as part of your digital marketing strategy, whether for blog content, social media posts, or designing a web page.

Keyword Strategization

We recently shared that content is king, but not just any content. The type of content you share makes a difference, and keyword strategy is part of that. Successful content is crafted with the right keywords to get search results while still proving you’re an authority on the subject. 

Social Media

Whatever platform you use, social media is often a part of a successful marketing campaign. Small businesses and national chains alike are using social media to build a loyal following that converts to sales. 

Email Marketing 

Also referred to as newsletters, email marketing can be a great way to let your customers know about upcoming product launches, events, or promotions. But how do you get people to open your emails? Did you know Gravitate can help craft newsletters for your clients? We can work with you to establish your brand’s voice through emails, and help them stand out with personalization and relevancy.

Even with the best content, sometimes there’s enough competition that you can’t organically overtake them in search engine results. That’s where PPC marketing comes into play.

How PPC Brings it all Together

PPC, (pay-per-click) marketing is the practice of paying to rank when certain keywords are searched online. The more clicks you receive from users, the less you pay per click. In addition to paying for the advertising, your content should be strategically written to offer useful information to users, whether it’s a landing page for purchasing your product or booking your services or a how-to article for using your product.

Because so many businesses are vying for space on search engine result pages with well-researched content that utilizes SEO tactics, PPC can give you the edge to end up at the top of the page. There’s no shame in giving your product a boost by paying to show up on the first page; as long as you’re not using it as a shortcut to get lackluster content in front of an audience, PPC can be a benefit to both you and your target demographic.




To see how our digital marketing services can benefit your business, get in touch with Gravitate One today. We’ll ensure your hard work doesn’t go to waste, and that your reach grows and converts.