
content marketing notebook

What Types of Content Create More Traffic

26 Feb 2022

We live in a day and age where everything is fast and instant. We scroll and scroll, we move from one thing to the other, and our minds are constantly ...

local search marketing graphic

How to Make the Most of Google’s Local Listings

17 Feb 2022

Optimizing your business on local search engines is essential to online marketing and customer engagement. More and more people are using their smartphones to quickly search google for what they ...

man holding hashtag sign

A Crash Course in Hashtags

6 Feb 2022

Do you remember when a hashtag was typically referred to as the “pound” sign? If not, then you probably know enough about hashtags to be writing this article. In recent ...

Using Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

24 Jan 2022

When you think of using artificial intelligence (AI) in digital marketing, what do you envision? Robots taking phone calls? While automation is part of the equation, it’s not the whole ...

What is the Metaverse?

17 Jan 2022

If you have your finger on the pulse of social media, you probably heard about Facebook recently rebranding as Meta. It’s the company’s way of building upon the concept of ...

How Digital Media is Evolving

3 Jan 2022

People have been offering goods and services to others for decades. While that hasn’t changed, the avenue for getting the word out to potential customers certainly has. In the early ...